Assign or delete rights

If users in your organisation require access to self-services, you, as a rights administrator, can grant access by assigning rights in MitID Erhverv. Find out how to assign or delete rights. User administrators can also perform some of the assignment and deletion tasks.

This page is relevant for:

  • rights administrator
  • user administrator

Rights administrators can:

  • assign rights to users
  • delete rights from users
  • approve or reject rights requests from users
  • administer sealing rights for users.

User administrators can also:

  • assign rights to users
  • delete rights from users.

User administrators cannot approve or reject rights requests from users.

A right in MitID Erhverv refers to access or the right to carry out specific tasks in a self-services, such as accessing to NemRefusion to request reimbursement.

If your organisation has already created user groups, you can assign or delete rights for multiple users at once, instead of assigning or deleting rights individually. You can find guides on how to add or dele users from the organisation’s user groups here:

Add or remove users from a user group

For more information on rights in MitID Erhverv, please refer to this page:

Rights – access or right to perform specific tasks in self-services

Please be aware that you are not able to assign:

  • access to your organisation’s Digital Post
  • rights to report VAT, etc., on

Please read the following guides, if you need to assign these rights:

How to gain access to your organisation’s Digital Post

How to gain access to TastSelv on

Assign rights to a user

Find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you tap the user, their user profile will appear.

Tap the ”Rights” menu just below ”User information”.

Once tapped, the ”Assign rights” window will appear.

You can find the rights you wish to assign by:

  • using the search field
  • expanding rights cateories.

You can select the rights by ticking boxes next to the names of the rights.

Once you have tapped the ”Add rights” button at the bottom of the window, you will be taken to the “Rights” menu where a confirmation will appear informing you that the rights have been added.

You can also find the rights you just assigned in the list of rights the user already possesses.

Delete rights from a user

Find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once tapped the user from whom you wish to delete rights, their profile will appear.

Once you tap the ”Rights” menu just below ”User information”, the ”Rights” menu will expand.  

Tap the ”Delete right”-icon that looks like a rubbish bin, located next to the name of the right you wish to delete.

The ”Do you want to dele the right?” window will appear.

Tap the ”Delete right” button at the bottom of the window.

You will be taken back to the menu where a confirmation will appear informing you that the rights have been deleted.

Approve or reject a user's request for rights

You can find requests regarding rights in 3 locations:

  • Under the ”User requests” menu.
  • In notifications located at the top, next to your name.
  • An email notification, if you have chosen to receive email notifications from MitID Erhverv.

In the ”User requests” menu, you should tap the 3 dots next to the request you would like to handle, and then tap ”Handle task”. If you already know that you must reject the request, you can choose “Reject”.

In notifications, you tap the “Handle task” icon next to request you are going to handle.

In email notifications, you simply follow the link in the email.

The “User request” window will appear.

Tap the ”Rights” menu, where you can view the details of the request.

If the request has missing rights, tap “Add rights”.

If the rights requested are correct but should only be valid in a certain period, tap 'Always' under the period to specify a start and end date. Requests generally have no validity limits, which is why the period as a standard is set to "Always".

If the request includes rights that the user should not have, tap the “Delete right” icon to the right of the name of the right.

  • Information: You can view the date when the request was created and the name of the user.
  • Rights: You can view which rights the user requested. You can add or delete rights.
  • Apply to: You can specify an SE number or P number for which the rights should be valid.

Under the “Apply to" menu, you can select either an SE number or P number in the organisation, so that the user can only act on behalf of the selected SE number or P number in the organisation.

If you do not make any changes, the user will be granted the right to act on behalf of the entire organisation.

Once you have completed steps 3 and 4, you can tap "Assign" or "Reject" at the bottom of the window. You will be taken back to the “User requests” page, where a confirmation will appear informing you that the rights has been assigned or rejected.

The user will not automatically receive a notification that the request has been approved or rejected. Therefore, you must contact the user yourself.

Administer sealing rights for users

Seals for organisations function in the same way as digital signatures by individuals. By allowing seal generation, MitID Erhverv users in your organisation can sign on behalf of the organisation without displaying the user's name. Please note that sealing is distinct from signing as a private individual or an individual employee in the organisation.

As a rights administrator, you have the option to view the user's rights to create seals. The user can only generate seals if:

  • the organisation administrator has allowed MitID Erhverv users in the organisation to generate seals
  • the user administrator has allowed the user to generate seals.

If the organisation administrator has not allowed MitID Erhverv users in the organisation to generate seals, the "Signature" menu will not appear in the user profile. In this case, you must contact the organisation administrator.

Find ”Users”: Menu >Users.

Tap the user, then their user profile will appear.

Tap the ”Signing” menu.

You can tick or untick in the box ”User can sign for the organisation”. A confirmation will appear informing you that the change regarding seal generation is changed.

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