Learn how to request to become a user administrator in MitID Erhverv.
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Once tapped, the “Rights” menu will expand.
The “Apply to Become a User Administrator” window will appear.
Optionally, you may choose to enter your reason for your request to become a user administrator.
Once tapped, the “Request for rights submitted” message will appear.
You will receive an email from MitID Erhverv notifying that you have been assigned the role of user administrator. The role will also appear on your user profile under the “Roles” menu.
Activate yourself as a user in MitID Erhverv
Forgotten password for MitID code display, audio code reader, or chip
You have received a new phone or new phone number
You do not have access to the self-services that you require
Which administrator can help with what?
Our administrators have left the organisation
You live in Greenland and use MitID Erhverv
View your access or rights to self-services and powers of attorneys in MitID Erhverv
Retrieve, block, or renew your user certificate
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If you want to know more about MitID Erhverv functionality:
If you're an administrator and you have to perform tasks as an administrator: