MitID Erhverv

MitID Erhverv is a digital ID for businesses, associations, and public authorities in Denmark, enabling access to self-services, such as reporting absences due to illness or accessing Digital Post.

MitID Erhverv user guide centre

The MitID Erhverv user guide centre is intended for individuals using MitID Erhverv on behalf of their organisation, irrespective of whether they hold administrative roles within MitID Erhverv.

Here, you can find guides on how to e.g:

  • activate your user profile in MitID Erhverv
  • log in using MitID Erhverv.
MitID Erhverv user guide centre

Administrators in MitID Erhverv

There are 3 different administrator roles in MitID Erhverv:

  • Organisation administrator
  • User administrator
  • Rights administrator

If you hold one of these roles, you can find guides on performing tasks specific to your role in MitID Erhverv. Additionally, you can identify which role is needed to complete specific tasks:

How to use MitID Erhverv

What is MitID Erhverv?

Get a quick overview of how MitID Erhverv works when your organisation uses it.

Hvad er MitID Erhverv?

Is your organisation not yet using MitID Erhverv?

Find out if and how your specific type of organisation needs to enter into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv.

Get started with MitID Erhverv

Advanced functionalities

You can access information about:

  • Lokal IdP
  • Lokal IdM
  • MitID Erhverv's test environment.

These pages are for IT professionals.

Advanced functionalities in MitID Erhvev