Create, edit, or delete users individually or multiple users simultaneously

As a user administrator, you can find guides on how to create, edit, delete individual or multiple users at once.

This page is relevant for:

  • user administrator

If you do not know your role in MitID Erhverv, you can log in to MitID Erhverv and view your own profile. The roles can be found under "Master data" in your profile.

MitID Erhverv: Login

If you are not an administrator in MitID Erhverv and are looking for guides on e.g. how to activate yourself as a user in MitID Erhverv, you can find guides in the MitID Erhverv user guide centre:

MitID Erhverv user guide centre

You can find step by step guides on 12 different tasks listed below:

Create new users

You find "Create new user" or “Create user”: Menu > Users > Create new user/Create user.

If your organisation has up to 8 users, the ”Create new user” button is located after the list of all existing users.

If you organisation has 9 users or more, the "Create user" button is located just before the list of users.

Once selected, the “Create user” window will appear.

You find ”User information": Menu > Users > Create user > User information.

You need to fill in the following 6 fields:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • CPR number (optional)
  • Date of birth
  • Email (The email address must not contain the letters Æ, Ø, or Å if the user needs a user or organisation certificate. We generally recommend using an email address without Æ, Ø, or Å.)
  • Phone number (optional)

You can also tick the box ”Mark user as anonymous”, if the user would like to remain anonymous in self-services. This means that only the user’s user number (UUID), not their real name, will be displayed in self-services when the user logs in or signs on behalf of your organisation with their MitID Erhverv. As a user administrator, you will still be able to see the user’s name in MitID Erhverv.

The option to create users as anonymous only appears if your organisation administrator has allowed it under “Settings” in MitID Erhverv.

Note that:

  • you can only select “anonymous” when creating a user
  • users who need to be assigned as one of 3 administrators i MitID Erhverv cannot be anonymous.

If users, who have already been created, request to remain anonymous, you as the user administrator will receive an email and a notification in MitID erhverv regarding the request. You will need to recreate the user in MitID Erhverv.

In such cases, the user must reapply for the rights they previously held, as rights are not transferred to their new anonymous user profile. Rights in MitID Erhverv refer to access or the right to perform a specific task within a self-service, such as:

  • accessing your organisation’s Digital Post
  • reporting parental leave in NemRefusion.

You find "Authenticators": Menu > Users > Create user > Authenticators.

The user employs MitID authenticator to verify their identity, e.g. when logging into a self-service.

Select which MitID authenticator the user must use. You can select from following 3 choices:

  • The user’s private MitID.
  • One or more MitID authenticators for the user’s separate MitID: The user will get a new MitID user ID in addition to their private. The user can only use the separate MitID when acting on behalf of your organisation.
  • Shared credential, which means that the user can use an authenticator for a separate MitID assigned another organisation or vice versa.

The 4 MitID authenticators are:

  • MitID app
  • MitID code display
  • MitID audio code reader
  • MitID chip

The option to select the user’s private MitID or shared MitID authenticator only appears if your organisation administrator has enabled it under settings in MitID Erhverv.

If the user selects a separate MitID and select one of the following 3 authenticators, your organisation will be charged:

  • MitID code display
  • MitID audio code reader
  • MitID chip

The prices for these authenticators can be found here:

Prices and invoices

You find "Organisation": Menu > Users > Create user> Organisation.

The organisation’s name and its CVR (Central Business Register) are pre-filled.

The remaining fields are optional, but you can use them if they are relevant to your organisation.

You can select the:

  • P number to which the user belongs
  • SE number to which the user belongs
  • EAN number to which MitID Erhverv should send invoices, when your organisation is creating users.

These fields are often most relevant for larger organisations that have more than one SE number or EAN number.

This field is optional and only appears, if you also have the role of rights administrator.

Find "Rights": Menu > Users > Create user > Rights.

Rights in MitID Erhverv refer to access or the right to perform a specific task within a self-service, for example, the right to claim reimbursements in NemRefusion.

Select the “Add rights”-button to add the rights the user needs.

Read more about the rights in MitID Erhverv:

Rights – access or right to perform specific tasks in self-services

If you are not the rights administrator, you can read more here:

Assign or delete rights

Please note that Digital Post has its own rights portal, where you grant the organisation’s Digital Post.

Digital Post: Rettighedsportalen (only available in Danish)

This field is optional and only appears when you also have the role of rights administrator.

You find "Signing": Menu > Users > Create user > Signing.

Tick the box ”User can sign for the organisation”, if the user should be able to sign on behalf of the organisation.

This field is optional and only appears if:

  • you also hold the role of rights administrator
  • the organisation administrator has enabled seal generation using certificate profiles under “Certificates” in “Settings”.

You find "Seal generation": Menu > User > Create user > Seal generation.

You may assign the user the right to sign on behalf of your organisation by adding certificate profiles, provided your organisation already has active organisation certificates.

Learn more about certificates:

Manage certificates

If you have entered the user’s CPR number in step 2, the user will receive an activation email from MitID Erhverv. The user must follow the link in the email and complete the activation process in MitID Erhverv. During activation, the user must use their private MitID once to confirm their identity.

If you have entered the user’s date of birth in step 2, a temporary activation code will be displayed. The user must use this code when activating themselves as the user in MitID Erhverv. Ensure the activation code is sent to the user securely.

Please save the code until the user has activated their account in MitID Erhverv.

If the user needs instructions to activate themselves in MitID Erhverv, you can refer to this guide:

Activate yourself as a user in MitID Erhverv

Resend activation email

When a user is created in MitID Erhverv, they receive an activation email from MitID Erhverv. The email contains a link the user must follow to activate themselves as the user in MitID Erhverv. The link is valid for 30 days. If the user does not receive the email, you can resend it.

You find "Users": Menu > Users.

Tap on the user you would like to send email to. The user’s user profile becomes visible.

If your organisaiton has 9 or more users, you can use the search option to locate the user.

The ”Resend activation email” button is located at the bottom of the user profile. Once tapped, the user will receives a new activation email.

”Activation mail resent” will be shown.

Create multiple users at once (user import)

You can create multiple users at once by uploading a CSV file containing user information. This process is known as user import.

For a successful user import, you are required to have following 2 pieces for information for each user to be created:

  • The CPR number or the date of the birth.
  • Informations regarding the user’s affiliation to a P nummer, EAN nummer or SE nummer under your organisation.

For a successful user import, you need to create a CSV file containing information about the users to be created.

Download the CSV template for user import here:

User administration CSV template (.csv) (only available in Danish)

Please note the file contains examples to guide you how to fill out the template.

The CSV template has 15 columns, and information on each user to be created should be placed in a seperate row. The template is correctly formatted, so be careful not to alter the formatting when adding users’ information, especially when copying and pasting, to avoid disrupting the structure. When copying, please ensure you clean the formatting beforehand.

The 15 columns in the templates are following:

  • Action: (Danish: Aktion. The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell): Enter a capital C to create a user.
  • UUID (The cell should be styled as a text cell, and the cell must remain empty).
  • First name (Danish: Fornavn. The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell).
  • Last name (Danish: Efternavn.The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell).
  • CPR (CPR is a Danish Civil Registration Number. The cell should be styled as a text cell): The CPR number must be entered in the format: DDMMYY-0000 with a hyphen separating the date of birth and the last 4 digits. If the individual’s CPR number is not available, please enter their date of birth in the next column. Multiple users created with the CPR number can be sent for activation simultaneously.
  • Date of the birth (Danish: Fødselsdato. The cell should be styled as a text cell): Please note that the Danish word ”Fødselsdato” must be spelled as Foedselsdato i the header cell for a successful upload. The date of birth must be entered in the format: DDMMYYYY. If the date of birth-cell is left empty, the individual’s CPR number must be entered in previous column. Note that activation mails must be sent one by one, if the users are created only with the date of birth.
  • Email address (The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell).
  • Telephone number (The cell should be styled as text cell): Note that the telephone number must be entered as 8 digits without any spaces.
  • Anonymous (Danish: Anonym. The cell should be styled as a text cell): Enter only a a capital J or N. J indicates that the user should be created as an anonymous user.
  • Reference note (Danish: Referencetekst. The cell should be styled as a text cell): The cell can only be used if the reference feature is activated under Settings in MitID Erhverv.
  • TargetIAL (The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell): TargetIAL refers to Target Identity Assuarance Level. Enter the assuarance level at which you activate your user. The level you entered must not exceed your organisation’s level. Enter 3 for the level ”Substantial” and 4 for the level ”High”.
  • EAN (the cell should be styled as a number cell): Enter one of your organisation’s EAN numbers registered as invoicing channels under Setting in MitID Erhverv. EAN refers to International Article Number, which is used by public institutions in Denmark to receive digital invoices.
  • P number (Danish: P-nummer. The cell should be styled as a number cell): Enter one of your organisations P-numbers registered under Settings MitID Erhverv.
  • SE number (Danish: SE-nummer. The cell should be styled as a number cell): Enter one of your organisaiton’s SE-numbers registered under Settings in MitID Erhverv.
  • Authenticator (Danish: Loginmiddel. The cell should be styled as a text cell): Enter ”PrivatID” if the user has a private MitID and activate themselves as the user in MitID Erhverv with it. The cell must remain empty, if the user does not have private MitID.

Please check following 2 details after you completed filling out the template:

  • Ensure that all numbers are formatted as decimal numbers. The numbers should be entered in scientific notation, e.g. 2,56522E+12.
  • Check whether the cells are truly empty by right-clicking and selecting “Clear Contents”.

Once you have checked the 2 details above, you should select ”Save As” in Excel. Remember to choose “CSV- (semicolon delimited) (*.csv) as the file type. The reason for saving the file in this format is to ensure that non-Latin characters are displayed correctly.

If your organisation has up to 8 users in MitID Erhverv, you can find ”Creat new user” button after all the existing users.

Next to the text ”Creat new user”, you will see a downward-pointing triangle. By selecting the triangle, the following 3 options will be displayed:

  • Create user
  • Create users using .csv-file
  • Edit users a .csv-file

Select ”Create users using .csv-file”.

The ”Create and edit multiple users” window appears.

  1. Tap ”Select file”
  2. Select the CSV file you would like to import
  3. Tap “Next”

The confirmation of the user import is given. You can then select “Go to imported users”.

If your organisation has more than 8 users in MitID Erhverv, you can find ”Creat new user” button above the list of all the existing users.

Next to the text ”Create user”, you will see a downward-pointing triangle. By selecting the triangle, the following 3 options will be displayed:

  • Create user
  • Create users using .csv-file
  • Edit users a .csv-file

The ”Create and edit multiple users” window appears.

  1. Tap ”Select file"
  2. Select the CSV file you would like to import
  3. Tap “Next”

The confirmation of the user import is given. You can then select “Go to imported users”.

The users are created in MitID Erhverv and can be found under ”Imported users in MitID Erhverv".

Please note that the users have not yet been activated. This means they have not received the activation email required to activate themselves as the user in MitID Erhverv. You must either send activation email individually or send multiple users for activation at once. Only then will they receive an activation email.

Send multiple users for activation after user import

When you create multiple users simultaneously by uploading a CSV file, this process is referred to as user import. Users created via user import do not automatically receive an activation email. Consequently, you must manually send it.

If users are created using a CPR number, you can send multiple users for activation at once. However, imported users created with a date of birth must be sent for activation individually.

You find ”Imported users”: Menu > Imported users.

The menu item ”Imported users” will only appear, if a user import has been performed.

Check the boxes next to the users you wish to send for activation. This can be one user or multiple users.

If any of the selected users were created without a CPR number, you will receive an error message. The check mark will be automatically removed from those users. You will then proceed to the next step only with the users created with a CPR number.

Select the authenticator and determine the number of authenticators that the users can order.

A summary of the users you wish to activate and their authenticators will be displayed. Tap "Activate users" to confirm the activation.

Activation emails are sent to the users.

Send users for activation individually after user import

When you create multiple users at once by uploading a CSV file, this is called user import. If you create users via user import, the users will not automatically receive an activation email. Therefore, you must manually send the users for activation.

Imported users who are created with a date of birth must always be sent for activation individually.

For users created with a CPR number, you can either send them for activation individually or in bulk.

If you prefer to send multiple users for activation at once, refer to the guide "Send multiple users for activation at once after user import" above.

Send multiple users for activation at once after user import

Go to Menu > Imported Users.

The menu item "Imported Users" will only appear if you have performed a user import.

Tick the box next to the user you would like to send for activation. You can only tick one box at a time.

The user's profile will appear.

Fill in all mandatory fields, such as authenticators, in the user profile.

If the user is created with a date of birth:

A temporary activation code will be displayed. The user needs this code to activate their account in MitID Erhverv. You must send the activation code to the user securely.
Remember to save the code until the user has activated their account in MitID Erhverv.

If the user is created with a CPR number:

The user will receive an activation email from MitID Erhverv. The user must follow the link in the email and activate their account in MitID Erhverv. During activation, the user will need to use their private MitID once to confirm their identity.

If the user needs guidance on how to activate their MitID Erhverv account, you can refer them to the following guide:

Activate yourself as a user in MitID Erhverv

Generate a new temporary activation code to send it to the user

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Select the user to whom you would like to send a new temporary activation code. The user’s profile will appear with the “User information” menu already expanded.

When you Tap ”New temporary code”, a temporary activations code will be displayed. The user must use this code to activate themselves as the user in MitID Erhverv. You must save the code and sent it to the user securely.

Updating information on multiple users at once

To update information about multiple users at once, you need to know one of the following pieces of information for the users you wish to edit:

  • UUID number
  • CPR number

To update information about multiple users at once, you need to create CSV files containing details of the users you wish to edit.

Download the CSV template for editing multiple users at once here:

User administration CSV template (.csv) (only available in Danish)

Please note that the template is correctly formatted, so ensure not to alter the formatting.

The CSV template has 15 columns, and information on each user to be created should be placed in a separate row.

You must fill in at least 2 of the following 3 columns:

  • Action: (Danish: Aktion. The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell): Enter a capital U to update information on a user.
  • UUID (The cell should be styled as a text cell): The UUID is a 32-digit number. You can find the user's UUID under "User Information" by going to Menu > User and selecting the user you want to view. If you do not fill in a UUID number, you must fill in the user's CPR number in the next column
  • CPR (CPR is a Danish Civil Registration Number. The cell should be styled as a text cell): The CPR-number must be entered in the format: DDMMYY-0000 with a hyphen separating the date of birth and the last 4 digits. If the individual’s CPR number is not available, please enter the user’s UUID-number in the previous column.

You can fill in the remaining fields as required.

Once you have entered information as described above, select ”Save as” in Excel and choose CSV file (semicolon seperated) (*.csv) as the file type.

You find "Users": Menu > Users.

If your organisation has up to 8 users in MitID Erhverv, you can find the ”Creat new user” button after all the existing users.

If your organisation has more than 8 users in MitID Erhverv, the ”Creat new user” button will appear above the list of all the existing users.

By selecting the downward-pointing triangle, the following 3 options will be displayed:

  • Create user
  • Create users using .csv-file
  • Edit users a .csv-file

Select ”Edit users using .csv-file”.

The window ”Create and edit multiple users” will appear.

Select ”Select file” to choose the file you wish to upload. Then you tap “Next”.  

A confirmation of updating and editing of users is displayed.

Delete multiple users at once

To delete multiple users, you must have one of the following 2 pieces of information for the users you wish to delete:

  • UUID number
  • CPR number

To delete multiple users at once, you need to create a CSV file with information on the users to be deleted:

User administration CSV template (.csv) (only available in Danish)

The template is correctly formatted, so be careful not to alter the formatting when adding users’ information, especially when copying and pasting, to avoid disrupting the structure. When copying, please ensure you clean the formatting beforehand. The CSV template has 15 columns, and information on each user to be created should be placed in a seperate row.

You must fill in at least 2 of the following 3 columns:

  • Action: (Danish: Aktion. The cell should be styled as a mandatory text cell): Enter a capital D to update information on a user.
  • UUID (The cell should be styled as a text cell): The UUID is a 32-digit number. You can find the user's UUID under "User Information" by going to Menu > User and selecting the user you want to view. If you do not fill in a UUID number, you must fill in the user's CPR number in the next column.
  • CPR (CPR is a Danish Civil Registration Number. The cell should be styled as a text cell): The CPR-number must be entered in the format: DDMMYY-0000 with a hyphen separating the date of birth and the last 4 digits. If the individual’s CPR number is not available, please enter the user’s UUID-number in the previous column.

You can fill in the remaining fields as required.

Once you have entered information as described above, select ”Save as” in Excel and choose CSV file (semicolon seperated) (*.csv) as the file type.

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

If your organisation has up to 8 users in MitID Erhverv, you can find ”Creat new user” button after all the existing users.

If your organisation has more than 8 users in MitID Erhverv, ”Creat new user” button will appear above the list of all the existing users.

By selecting the downward-pointing triangle, the following 3 options will be displayed:

  • Create user
  • Create users using .csv-file
  • Edit users a .csv-file

Select ”Edit users using .csv-file”.

The window ”Create and edit multiple users” will appear.

Select ”Select file” to choose the file you wish to upload. Then you tap “Next”. 

A confirmation of the deletion of multiple users is displayed.

View and edit user information

As a user administrator, you can edit the following 2 user details:

  • Email address
  • Phone number

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Tap the user whose information you wish to edit. The user’s profile will appear.

”Edit” is located on the top of the user information. You can edit:

  • email address
  • telephone number (optional)

When you have finished editing the information, tap “Update”. The changes you made to the user information will be saved, and you will see that the user information has been updated.

Assign MitID authenticators

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Tap the user to whom you wish to assign the MitID ID authenticator. The user's profile will then be displayed.

The “Authenticators” menu is located under “User information”.

Tap the “Add authenticators” button, then “Add authenticator” will appear.

Select one or more authenticators from the available options. The options will depend on your organisation's setup.

Once you have selected one or more authenticators to add, press the "Add authenticators" button.

You will return to the "Authenticators" menu, where a confirmation of the addition will appear. The confirmation will also display the types of authenticators you have added.

The user will receive an email from MitID Erhverv notifying them of the new authenticator and how they can activate it by following the link in the email.

View user history

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you tap the user, their user profile will appear.

The “History” menu is the last menu item.

You can now view the user's last 200 activities.

You also have the option to:

  • search for specific activities
  • sort activities.

You can search for specific activities by:

  • filtering by dates
  • entering keywords under “Filter”.

You can sort activities by:

  • time
  • transaction
  • service provider
  • type (public or private service).

Deactivate users

If a user will not be using MitID Erhverv for a period of time, e.g. due to illness or maternity leave, you can temporarily deactivate the user.

The deactivated user will not be deleted from MitID Erhverv. The user administrator can reactivate the user at any time in the future.

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you tap the user, their profile will become visible.

Tap the "Deactivate" button located at the bottom of the user profile. The "Deactivate user" window will open.

There are 2 fields you can fill in:

  • From date: The date from which the deactivation will be valid. This field is pre-filled with today's date.
  • To date: The date until which the deactivation will be valid. This field is optional. If you enter a date, the user will automatically be reactivated the day after the "To date". If you leave the field blank, you will need to manually reactivate the user.

Please note that there is an error in our system, so the deactivation is valid until the day after the date you enter. E.g. if you want to deactivate the user until 3 June 2025, you must select 2 June 2025.

The "Deactivate" button is located at the bottom of the "Deactivate user" window. Once you have tapped the button, you will return to the list of users.

A confirmation of the deactivation will be displayed, and you will also see that the user you have deactivated is marked as "Deactivated".

Please note that the user is not deleted, even though you have deactivated them.

Reactivate users

If a user is deactivated, you can reactivate them. This is relevant when the user:

  • has been deactivated without a specified end date for the deactivation
  • needs to be reactivated before the end date.

If a user does not need MitID Erhverv for a period of time, e.g. due to illness or parental leave, you can temporarily deactivate the user.

The user you have deactivated will not be deleted from MitID Erhverv. A user administrator can always reactivate a user at a later time.

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you tap the user, their profile will become visible.

Select "Activate user". The "Activate User" window will become visible.

The "Activate" button is located at the bottom of the "Activate user" window.

You will return to the "Users" page. The message "Activation has started" will be displayed. The user’s status will be marked as "Active".

Delete users

If you delete a user, they will be permanently removed. This means that if the user need to use MitID Erhverv again, you will be required to start over and create the user again.

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you have tapped the user, their user profile will appear.

Tap the "Delete user" button located at the bottom of the user profile.

After pressing the button, the "Delete user" window will appear.

To confirm the deletion of the user, press "Ok". A confirmation of the deletion will be displayed.

Assign a P number and SE number to a user

The fields for a P number and SE number are optional and can be filled in to simplify user management.

These fields are only displayed for organisations that allowed users to be associated with SE numbers or P numbers.

You find ”Users”: Menu > Users.

Once you tap the user, their profile will become visible.

The “Organisation” menu is located just above the last menu item.

Select the P number (location) or SE number that the user is assigned to from the available options.

You can choose to assign:

  • a P number only
  • an SE number only
  • both a P-number and SE-number.

Once you have made your selection, a confirmation of the change will be displayed.

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