Create, request, and manage business power of attorneys

Your organisation can create, request, and manage power of attorneys, enabling another organisation to act digitally on behalf of your organisation, and vice versa.

Using a business power of attorney in MitID Erhverv or a power of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt, your organisation can give or request a power of attorney. For example, you can authorise another organisation to act digitally on behalf of your organisation. This is particularly relevant, for instance, when your organisation's accountant needs to apply for reimbursement in NemRefusion on your behalf.

This page is relevant for:

  • organisation administrators (Business power of attorney to another organisation)
  • rights administrators (Business power of attorney to a specific person in another organisation)
  • management representatives in the organisation (both types of business powers of attorney).

Business power of attorney in MitID Erhverv or power of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt self-service?

Some organisations need to create a business power of attorney in MitID Erhverv, while others must create one in Digital Fuldmagt. The depends on how you digitally represent your organisation.

Business power of attorneys in MitID Erhverv

If your organisation has entered into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv, you, as the organisation administrator, must create a business power of attorney in MitID Erhverv.

Your organisation has a connection agreement to MitID Erhverv if multiple people in your organisation act digitally on its behalf.

If you need to create and use business power of attorneys, you can find more information in the following 4 guides:

Create business power of attorneys in MitID Erhverv (pdf – only available in Danish)

Start using the business power of attorneys your organisation has received in MitID Erhverv (pdf – only available in Danish)

How to approve or reject a request for a business power of attorney (pdf – only available in Danish)

How to create a delegation group in MitID Erhverv (pdf - only available in Danish)

Power of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt self-service

If you can answer meet 4 requirements below, you should use Digital Fuldmagt self-service to create or request a power of attorney:

  • You are a management representative or association representative in your organisation
  • You use private MitID, such as for logging into your own online banking, also when acting digitally on behalf of your organisation
  • You have been automatically authorised to act digitally on behalf of your business or association with their private MitID, even if your organisation has not actively entered into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv.
  • When approving login for self-service, for example, with the MitID app, code display, audio code reader, or chip, you are ask promoted if you intend to log in as a management representative or as a private individual. You choose to log in as a management representative when acting on behalf of your organisation.

If you need to create or receive a business power of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt, you can read more in the following four guides. Please note that the guides are in Danish.

Request Digital Fuldmagt (pdf – only available in Danish)

Create Digital Fuldmagt (pdf – only available in Danish)

Approve or reject Digital Fuldmagt (pdf – only available in Danish)

Delete Digital Fuldmagt that your organisation has already granted (pdf – only available in Danish)

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