MitID Erhverv is the digital identification solution for companies, associations and authorities in Denmark.
MitID Erhverv is the digital identification solution for companies, associations and authorities in Denmark.
MitID Erhverv is for all companies, associations and authorities that have employees or users who need to log-in to public self-service solutions.
To acquire MitID Erhverv you must connect your association to MitID Erhverv and then set up the organisation.
Read more aboubt how to connect your organisation to MitID Erhverv
Take the test here - Choose your organisationl type and see if you require MitID Erhverv.
Since the 24th of September 2023, foreign users have been able to use a private MitID without a CPR number. It requires that the organisation where the user is to be created is connected to MitID Erhverv.
With MitID Erhverv it is possible to user your private MitID when you act digitally on behalf of your association or company. You use your private user ID and private MitID means of identification.
E.g. MitID app, code display, audio code reader or chip when you log in or sign digitally with MitID on behalf of the organisation. For English subtitles in the video above, please press "CC" and choose English.
"It's cool that it's one login. So you can decide for yourself whether to log in personally or as a representative of the association."
Administrator, Søkreds
"As a self-employed individual, it is important that it's not too time-consuming to use digital self-service solutions to, for example, report illness and maternity."
Administrator, GUNMA
"I use MitID Erhverv a lot. The advantage is that it is connected to face authentication. This makes it quite quick to work with."
Administrator, Hjernerystelsesforeningen