Advanced functionalities in MitID Erhverv


MitID Erhverv is not certificate based.

Most organisations will therefore not have a need for certificates, even if you used certificates in NemID medarbejdersignatur.

It is possible to issue certificates for certain needs - e.g. secure e-mail or system-to-system communication.

Read more about certificates

Local IdM

Local IdM (identity management) is for organisations wanting to manage users locally in their own administration system.

An IdM integration ensures that users and rights are automatically maintained in MitID Erhverv. This way you don't have to manage your users in two places.

Read more about Local IdM

Local IdP

With the launch of MitID Erhverv, the local signature server (LSS) solution has been phased out. Instead your organisation can establish a Local IdP (Identity Provider).

With a Local IdP you can issue identities and local authenticators to your users locally while synchronizing these with MitID Erhverv.

Read more about Local IdP

MitID Erhverv Test Environment

As a user organisation, you need the option to create a test organization with test users and certificates that can be used for integration of your own systems, e.g. IdM and Local IdP.

If you are a service provider and implement other services in NemLog-in besides MitID Erhverv, you can read more about the integration test environment at

Advanced support

In need of support for advanced functionalities in MitID Erhverv?

Organisations using advanced functionalities in MitID Erhverv will primarily find relevant information and guidance on this site and through the pre-production environment.

If your organisation is still in need of help for advanced funcionalities or technical support, you can find information here: