MitID Erhverv has 5 different roles. Here’s an overview of what each role entails in terms of responsibilities and tasks in MitID Erhverv.
MitID Erhverv has 5 different roles. Here’s an overview of what each role entails in terms of responsibilities and tasks in MitID Erhverv.
There are 5 roles in MitID Erhverv:
Below, you can find an overview of the responsibilities and tasks associated with each role.
A user in MitID Erhverv is an individual who uses MitID Erhverv without holding any additional roles. A user can use MitID Erhverv to log in to or sign digitally in self-services on behalf of the organisation.
When a user logs into MitID Erhverv, they can:
A user can also view:
An organisation administrator is responsible for:
An organisation administrator can also assign rights, such as to report parental leave, although this is the primary responsibility of the rights administrator.
An organisation can have an unlimited number of organisation administrators in MitID Erhverv. An organisation administrator can also have multiple roles, such as being both organisation administrator and rights administrator.
Read the organisation administrator’s key tasks in detail below.
The organisation administrator is responsible for setting up the organisation in MitID Erhverv, including deciding if:
Learn login possibilities with MitID Erhverv:
Learn how you, as an organisation administrator, set up an organisation in MitID Erhverv:
The organisation administrator is in charge of assigning roles such as:
Learn how you, as the organisation administrator, assign or remove roles in MitID Erhverv:
User groups in MitID Erhverv are groups that consists of users with the same rights to carry out tasks in self-services. By creating user groups, it will be easier for the organisation administrator to assign and manage rights for multiple users at once, rather than assigning rights individually.
Learn how you, as an organisation administrator, create and manage groups:
The organisation administrator can adjust the settings for certificates issued in MitID Erhverv, including:
Learn how you as an organisation administrator adjust the settings of organisation certificates:
The organisation administrator can assign and manage business powers of attorney, which allow external organisations (for example accountants) to act on behalf of the organisation.
Learn how you, as organisation administrator, assign and manage business powers of attorneys.
Create, request, and manage business power of attorneys in MitID Erhverv
The user administrator is responsible for:
An organisation can have an unlimited number of user administrators in MitID Erhverv. A user administrator can also hold multiple roles, such as being both a user administrator and a rights administrator.
Read the user administrator’s key tasks in detail below.
The user administrator’s primary responsibility is managing users. They can:
Learn how you, as user administrator, manage users in your organisation:
Create, edit, delete or mass create users (oversættelse dobbelttjekkes senere)The user administrator can add or remove users from user groups, although they cannot create user groups or assign rights to them. That is the responsibility of the organisation administrator.
Learn how you, as user administrator, manage users in user groups in your organisation:
The user administrator can manage the organisation’s certificates, including:
Learn how you, as user administrator, manage the organisation’s certificates:
The user administrator can add or remove users from business powers of attorney that the organisation has received to act on behalf of another organisation.
Learn how you, as user administrator, add or remove users from business powers of attorney
Create, request, and manage business power of attorneys in MitID Erhverv
The rights administrator is responsible for:
An organisation can have an unlimited number of rights administrators in MitID Erhverv. A rights administrator can also have multiple roles, such as being both a rights administrator and a user administrator.
Read the rights administrator’s key tasks in detail below.
The rights administrator can assign or remove specific rights, such as access to submit requests in digital self-services for users, for instance applying for refunds in NemRefusion.
Learn how you, as rights administrator, grant or remove rights for users:
Assign or delete rightsThe rights administrator can add or remove users from user groups, whether they are from the same organisation or another organisation.
Learn how you, as rights administrator, manage members in user groups:
With business powers of attorney in MitID Erhverv, your organisation can assign another organisation, which has a different Central Business Register Number (CVR number) than yours, access or the right to report digitally in self-services on behalf of your organisation. This is relevant, for example, when your accountant needs to report illness on behalf of your organisation.
Assign or delete rights (MANGLER: tilføj anchor nederst på siden)The rights administrator can view the settings of organisation certificates, including whether they can be used for signing on behalf of the organisation.
Learn how you, as rights administrator, can view organisation certificates and their settings:
The rights administrator can assign or remove the user’s right to seal in MitID Erhverv. Sealing enables users to sign on behalf of the organisation without their name being displayed.
This functionality is only available if the organisation administrator has enabled sealing for the organisation in the MitID Erhverv settings.
Lean how you, as a rights administrator, assign or remove the user’s right to seal.
Assign or delete rights (MANGLER: tilføj anchor nederst på siden)The rights administrator can assign or remove business powers of attorney if they need to be granted to a specific user in another organisation.
Learn how you, as rightsr administrator, can manage business powers of attorney
Create, request, and manage business power of attorneys in MitID Erhverv
A trusted employee is a role assigned to municipal staff responsible for assisting citizens and their relatives in creating digital powers of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt. This role is only available for municipalities set up as trusted organisations.
The organisation administrator within the municipality can assign or remove the trusted employee role.
You can find information about MitID Erhverv features:
MitID app, code display, audio code reader and chip
Rights – access or right to perform specific tasks in self-services
You can find general information about MitID Erhverv on the following pages: