The organisation administrator is responsible for:
- setting up your organisation in MitID Erhverv after finalising the connection agreement with MitID Erhverv
- configuring how your employees may use MitID Erhverv.
The organisation administrator is required to have a:
- CPR number
- private MitID.
If the organisation administrator does not meet these 2 requirements, you will be unable to complete setting your organisation after having conluded the agreement.
The management representative or the reporter can also serve as the organisation administrator, provided they meet the 2 requirements outlined above.
The organisation administrator does not need to be employed by the organisation. For example, you can choose an accountant, lawyer, or employee from an administration agency.
Once you have decided who to appoint, you will need the following information regarding the individual you inetend to appoint as the organigasation administrator:
- Name
- Email address
- Date of birth or CPR number
You can find more information about the role of the organisation administrator here: