How can your organisation enter into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv and use it if you are part of a corporate group or an administration agency?

Learn how the same administrator can manage multiple individual CVR (Central Business Register) numbers in MitID Erhverv.

This page is relevant for:

  • corporate groups with multiple subsidiaries, each with its own independent CVR (Central Business Register) number
  • other types of organisations that need to manage multiple organisations with separate CVR (Central Business Register) numbers, such as administration agencies

With MitID Erhverv, employees in one organisation can act digitally on behalf of multiple organisations, even if they have different CVR (Central Business Register) numbers. This functionality is particularly useful for corporate groups with multiple CVR numbers, as it simplifies administration across them. For instance, one or more accounting employees in the parent company may need to request reimbursements via a self-service platform on behalf of the entire group.

In MitID Erhverv, employees in one organisation can act digitally on behalf of another organisation in one of 3 ways:

Read more about local IdM:

Local IdM

Regardless of the method chosen, a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv must always be established for each CVR (Central Business Register) number individually. It is therefore not possible for a single organisation to enter into a connection agreement covering multiple CVR numbers. For example, the parent company in a corporate group cannot enter into a connection agreement on behalf of its subsidiaries simultaneously.

Same organisation administrator across organisations

In MitID Erhverv, your organisations can appoint a single individual as the organisation administrator, even if the individual is associated to another CVR (Central Business Register) number. This allows the organisation administrator to act digitally on behalf of all organisations that have appointed them as the administrator.

Organisations appoint the organisation administrator during the online process of entering into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv. Learn more about the role of the organisation administrator in MitID Erhverv:


The person appointed as the organisation administrator must have a:

  • private MitID, which they use to confirm their identity during the connection
  • CPR number.

The organisation administrator is responsible for setting up each organisation. During the setup, the administrator must choose how to log in to MitID Erhverv. To facilitate acting on behalf of multiple organisations, the administrator can choose one of the following login methods:

  • Use private MitID: The administrator enters the same MitID user ID, whether logging into self-services as a private individual or on behalf of the organisations they represent digitally.
  • Create a separate MitID in one of the organisations the administrator represents digitally, such as the parent company: When setting up the other organisations in MitID Erhverv, the administrator can select the option that allows the authenticator to be shared across organisations. This way, the administrator obtains a separate MitID that can be used to act on behalf of all organisations.

Set up your organisation

Login options

Business power of attorney

With a business power of attorney, your organisation can give another organisation access or permission to handle tasks in self-services on behalf of your organisation’s behalf. For example, a team of employees in a central group function can claim reimbursements on behalf of all other organisations within the group.

A business power of attorney can only be created, if the tasks to be handled by individuals in another organisation are listed among the rights available in MitID Erhverv. Individual companies within a group must create a business power of attorney for the company housing the group function responsible for handling the specific task, such as the parent company.

Once the business power of attorney is created, a rights administrator in the parent company will add the employees responsible for the tasks covered by the power of attorney as authorised users. A business power of attorney can also be created for specific employees within the parent company.

The advantage of using business powers of attorney is that you avoid creating and managing users within individual organisations. The organisation administrator can instead simply carry out the setup at the beginning.

Learn more about business powers of attorney in MitID Erhverv:

Business powers of attorney

Administration via local IdM

Instead of managing users in MitID Erhverv, your organisation can choose to manage them via a local identity management (IdM) system. This enables you to use your own identity management system.

Read more about local IdM:

Local IdM