Does your organisation require certificates, or is your organisation considering establishing a Local IdP? Discover the advanced functionalities offered by MitID Erhverv.
Does your organisation require certificates, or is your organisation considering establishing a Local IdP? Discover the advanced functionalities offered by MitID Erhverv.
MitID Erhverv is not primarily reliant on certificates, meaning most organisa-tions will not need them. However, you have the option to issue certificates for specific purposes, such as:
With a Local IdP (Local Identity Provider), your organisation can issue identities and authentication tools to your employees while simultaneously synchronising them with MitID Erhverv.
Discover more about the benefits of a Local IdP and how to prepare for its im-plementation:
If you would like to manage MitID Erhverv users and assign rights locally within your own administration system (IdM system), there are 2 integration options available between your IdM system and MitID Erhverv:
Explore your Local IdM options in more detail:
Your organisation can test MitID Erhverv features in the integration environ-ment. Learn how to create a test organisation, including test users, and issue test certificates:
MitID Erhverv Integration Test Environment: Test MitID Erhverv features
Would your organisation like to offer login functionality with MitID or MitID Erhverv for your self-services? Find out how to set up IT systems to enable login:
Provide login functionality using MitID or MitID Erhverv in your self-services
Do you have questions about certificates or Local IdP? Paid access to advanced support from IN Groupe is available.
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