MitID Erhverv is flexible, so your organisation can determine how employees log in and sign with their digital signature when acting on behalf of the organisation. For example, when your employees need to:
Your organisation can choose between 2 ways for employees to use MitID Erhverv:
A private MitID is the MitID that individuals use in their personal capacity, such as logging into their own online banking accounts or accessing to private Digital Post.
It is possible to use a private MitID when acting on behalf of your organisation in MitID Erhverv. For example, when employees log in to apply for reimbursements in NemRefusion, they will use their private MitID by entering the user ID they use, for example when accessing their online personal banking accounts. Once logged in, they will be prompted to log in as a private individual or as an employee of your organisation.
Some individuals are automatically given the option to use their private MitID when acting digitally on behalf of the organisation. This typically happens when:
In other cases, both the organisation and individual employees must allow the use of private MitID when acting digitally on behalf of the organisation.
When employees use their MitID to act digitally on behalf of the organisation, the MitID includes:
These data are completely separate within MitID Erhverv, and there is no mixing of data.
The organisation administrator in MitID Erhverv is responsible for determining whether the organisation can allow employees to use their private MitID to act digitally on its behalf. Find the guide here:
Edit which identification methods the organisation allows in MitID Erhverv
When your employees are careated as users in MitID Erhverv, they must activate themselves as users in MitID Erhverv. During activation, users must accept that they will use their private MitID when acting digitally on behalf of the organisation. Find the activation guide here:
Instead of using private MitID, it is also possible to create a new MitID that employees only use when acting digitally on behalf of your organisation.
This is called a separate MitID. It means the employee will get a new MitID user ID, which they will enter when logging in or signing on behalf of the organisation.
If your employees use the MitID app, they can decide whether to have a separate MitID on:
Please note that employees cannot use biometric (fingerprint or facial recognition) to authenticate if the separate MitID is on their personal phone or on a phone that already has another MitID user ID.
The organisation administrator can customise settings to determine whether employees can use private MitID or a separate MitID with the MitID app, code display, audio code reader, or chip when acting on behalf of the organisation. These setting can be set by the organisation administrator. Find the guide here:
Edit which identification methods the organisation allows in MitID Erhverv
When your employees are created as users in MitID Erhverv, they must activate themselves as users. During activation, they will be asked whether they want a separate MitID. Find the guide here:
A MitID Erhverv user in your organisation may choose to use a separate MitID. The user can then use the same MitID user ID that your organisation has set up when acting digitally on behalf of other organisations. This can include multiple businesses, associations, or public authorities. This is called shared credential.
The user can only use shared credential if all organisations involved approve it.
When the user uses shared credential, the MitID includes data from all the organisations they act digitally for. These data are completely separated in MitID Erhverv, so there is no mixing of data.
The user can act on behalf of your organisation with MitID from another organisation via shared credential, only if the following 2 conditions are met:
The organisation administrator decides whether your organisation allows shared MitID. The administrator can do this in MitID Erhverv. Find the guide here:
Edit which identification methods the organisation allows in MitID Erhverv
It is the user administrator who can assign a shared MitID as authenticator to users who request it. The option to assign a shared MitID is only visible when the organisation administrator has already allowed the use of shared MitID in your organisation. Find the guide here:
Edit which identification methods the organisation allows in MitID Erhverv
When the user logs into a self-service function, such as Virk or Digital Post, they will use the same MitID user ID, not matter which organisation they are acting on behalf of. After entering their MitID user ID and approving the login, the user will be prompted to choose which organisation they want to log in on behalf of. Find the guide here:
You can find information about MitID Erhverv features:
MitID app, code display, audio code reader and chip
Rights – access or right to perform specific tasks in self-services
You can find general information about MitID Erhverv on the following pages: