Digital power of attorney

In certain circumstances, you must create a power of attorney using Digital Power of Attorney in stead of MitID Erhverv. For instance, this may be required when you need support from an accountant or an administrative agency.

Use Digital Fuldmagt self-service to create or receive a power of attorney

Most organisations can create or request a power of attorney in MitID Erhverv, enabling them to act digitally on behalf of others, such as submitting reports via self-services.

However, in certain circumstances, you must use the Digital Fuldmagt self-service system to create or request a power of attorney. This applies if:

  • you use MitID Private for Business. Further details about MitID Private for Business can be found below.
  • your organisation is not registered with MitID Erhverv.

Please note that MitID Private for Business users whose organisations have entered into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv can create or request powers of attorney in both MitID Erhverv and Digital Fuldmagt self-service.

If you are unsure whether your organisation has entered into a connection agreement, you can verify this by initiating the process of establishing one. After logging in with your private MitID, you will be able to see whether your organisation already has an agreement. If your organisation does not appear in the list, you can use the search field to enter your company’s CVR (Central Business Register) number.
MitID Erhverv:

MitID Erhverv: You can connect your organisation

Who are MitID Private for Business users?

If you meet the following 5 requirements, you use MitID Private for Business:

  1. You are a representative of the management (e.g., a director or chairman of the board) or a representative of an association representative (e.g., a chairman or treasurer) and are registered in the CVR (Central Business) register.
  2. You have a Danish CPR (Civil Registration) number.
  3. You use private MitID—for example, to log into your personal online banking - even when acting digitally on behalf of your business or association
  4. You have automatically been enabled to act digitally on behalf of your business or association without your organisation having actively entered into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv.
  5. When approving a login - for example, to a self-service using the MitID app, code display, audio code reader, or chip—you are prompted to choose whether to log in as a management representative or as a private individual. You select to log in as a management representative when acting on behalf of your business or association.


Here you can find information on when to use MitID Erhverv business and when to use Digital Fuldmagt self-service. The examples assume you are the owner of a carpentry business and need to:

  • create power of attorney to your accountant
  • approve a power of attorney request from your accountant.

Whether your carpentry business has already entered into a connection agreement with MitID Erhverv will determine where you should create power of attorney or approve the request.

It is only through Digital Fuldmagt self-serivce that you can:

  • create power of attorney to your accountant.
  • approve your accountant’s power of attorney request.

You can log in to Digital Fuldmagt self-service here:

Digital Fuldmagt self-service

You can create or accept a power of attorney request from your accountant at both self-services below:

  • MitID Erhverv
  • Digital Fuldmagt self-service

If you are unsure whether your business is registered, you can check in MitID Erhverv.

MitID Erhverv: You can connect your organisation

Digital Fuldmagt self-service

Guides on powers of attorney in Digital Fuldmagt self-service

Follow the guides below when your organisation needs to:

  • create a power of attorney
  • request a power of attorney
  • approve or reject a power of attorney request.

Create or request a power of attorney for another organisation in Digital Fuldmagt self-service

Go to Digital Fuldmagt self-service to create or request a power of attorney.