About MitID-Erhverv.dk

Find information about MitID-Erhverv.dk, the processing of personal data, and more.

MitID-Erhverv.dk is the official website for MitID Erhverv, administrated by the Agency for Digital Government.

On MitID-Erhverv.dk, you can primarily find information and guidance about:

  • what MitID Erhverv is
  • how a business, association, or authority can join MitID Erhverv
  • how a business, association, or authority can use MitID Erhverv
  • how a business, association, or authority can implement MitID Erhverv's advanced functionalities.

We primarily address businesses, associations, and authorities that need to connect to or use MitID Erhverv.

MitID-Erhverv.dk is also for those of you who use MitID Erhverv in your daily work. The MitID Erhverv user guide centre mainly provide information and guides on how to use MitID Erhverv when acting on behalf of your business, association, or authority:

MitID Erhverv user guide centre

Legal Information about MitID-Erhverv.dk

Below you can find links to the website's legal information:

Privacy policy

Cookies policy